Water filter test results final discussion
Just because a countertop water filter is popular doesn't mean it's good at removing heavy metals.

Water filters that remove pesticides and herbicides (complex organic molecules) may be terrible at removing heavy metals or radioactive elements.

Based on the units we tested, we can only recommend two water filters out of this group: The WaterMan Mini and the ZeroWater filter. Both offered impressive performance at removing heavy metals and elements with radioactive isotopes.

Note that we did NOT test these water filters for the removal of pesticides, BPA or other chemical compounds. These test results were limited exclusively to heavy metals and selected elements.

The Natural News Forensic Food Lab is in the process of ISO 17025 certification and follows strict quality control standards for all laboratory testing. Water samples from these tests have been retained and archived for verification purposes.

All external standards used in these tests are NIST-traceable standards. ICP-MS runs were conducted with calibration checks, instrument tuning calibration verification and other quality control processes customarily used in commercial laboratories.

Natural News welcomes improvements in water filtration technology from any manufacturer, and we will gladly -- and without charge -- test new filters from any popular manufacturer.

This laboratory report is sponsored by Heavy Metals Defense, the world's only laboratory-validated dietary supplement for capturing and supporting elimination of heavy metals in your food.

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